about us

We are glad you want to get to know us better.

Małgorzata i Wojciech Rucińscy


Our history began in 1995, when we started selling Polish magazines and newspapers near the church in Hanover. One year later, our company was working with a network of 35 distributors, who were selling Polish magazines and newspapers in every city in Germany. In general, this was van selling near churches. Such rapid growth shown that we had chosen the right direction. We were aware of the fact that our customers appreciated our hard work. At the same time, the first stores with Polish products in this part of Europe started to open one by one. We provided newspapers and magazines with most of these stores. It was the time we were learning how to do business.

The subsequent years were a time of further development. Together with the expansion of logistics, the range of our services has also increased. We extended our offer so that we were able to operate more efficiently.

In 1997, our Company’s seat was transferred to Berlin and one year later, we opened a Polish branch office in Zielona Góra. Currently, ADALMAR is the largest distributor of Polish magazines and newspapers in Western Europe. We are constantly developing and we provide our customers with modern solutions, including IT systems and the possibility of setting up convenient night shift deliveries.


We never know what we have, until we lost it

The millions of Polish people living abroad who have left Poland for various reasons know about it well. We understand this very well as we lived permanently in Germany for many years. Limited access to Polish press, very poor offer and problems related to receipt of the latest newspapers and magazines were the driving forces to set up the ADALMAR company.

From the very beginning, we were guided by one goal – to help all people, like us, living abroad, who have closer ties with Poland, to handle their homesickness and to allow them to feel at home in their homeland, at least for a while.

Thanks to ADALMAR, the Polish people who have left Poland, have an opportunity to maintain contact with their homeland through access to the Polish press. In addition, the stores with which we cooperate have guaranteed support in trade through the possibility of using all our facilities, knowledge and resources that we have been developing for more than a quarter of a century. We want to make your daily sales activities easier.

By joining the ADALMAR team, you get our support and develop with us.



In spite of the expansion in the European market and the Company’s constant development, two things have remained unchanged: our passion for professional customer service and our fondness of prints. Take a look at the numbers, they speak for themselves

shops serviced

newspapers sold on a monthly basis

kilometres travelled per month

Polish magazines and newspapers in our offer